Szerző Čadež, Neža et al.
Publikálás éve 2020
Cím/Fejezet Starmerella vitis f.a., sp. nov., a yeast species isolated from flowers and grapes
Folyóirat/Könyv Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
Kötet/Oldal 113: 1289 - 1298
Publisher Springer Netherlands
MIMNG szám
Starmerella vitis Y.01951 Y.02226T

A novel yeast species of Starmerella vitis f.a. sp. nov. is proposed to accommodate five strains isolated from flowers, grapes and an insect in the Azores, Canada, Hungary, Palau and Taiwan. As the strains were genetically distinct, we used parsimony network analysis based on ITS-D1/D2 sequences to delineate the species in a statistically objective manner. According to sequence comparisons and phylogenetic analysis, the novel species is most closely related to Starmerella lactis-condensi. The two species cannot be distinguished by conventional physiological tests. The type strain of Starmerella vitis f.a., sp. nov. is CBS 16418T; Mycobank number MB 835251.

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