Pseudomonas stutzeri (Lehmann and Neumann 1896) Sijderius 1946
MIMNG szám B.02047T
Más gyűjteményi szám CIP 103299, ATCC 17588, ACM 782, NCIB 11358
Törzs név
Törzs státusza Type
Strain History
Előző név
Izolálási forrás human spinal fluid
Izolálási forrás típusa human
Korlátozás Hazard Group 1
Táptalaj neve NCAIM 0025 - Nutrient agar 37°C

Permits maintenance of plasmids with ColE1-like replicons such as pUC- and pBR-based cloning vectors. Not naturally transformable; plasmids were introduced by electroporation. Transformation host for pUC- and pBR-based cloning vectors (Pemberton JM, Penfold RJ . High-frequency electroporation and maintenance of pUC- and pBR-based cloning vectors in Pseudomonas stutzeri. Curr. Microbiol. 25: 25-29, 1992.)
Taxonomy, description (Palleroni NJ, et al. Taxonomy of the aerobic pseudomonads, the properties of the Pseudomonas stutzeri group. J. Gen. Microbiol. 60: 215-231, 1970; Xu G, West TP. Reductive catabolism of pyrimidine bases by Pseudomonas stutzeri. J. Gen. Microbiol. 138: 2459-2463, 1992.)
ID checked by 16S sequencing
