Kockovaella fuzhouensis (Yue) ex Liu et al.
NCAIM Number Y.01108T
Other Collection Number CBS 8243, ATCC 56867; CCRC 22298; IFO 10374; JCM 7367
Strain Name
Strain Status Type
Strain History
Previous Name Fellomyces fuzhouensis (Yue) Yamada and Banno
Typestrain of
Isolation source flower of Mangifera indica (mango) / China, Fujian Province
Isolation Type
Restriction Hazard Group 1
Name of Medium NCAIM 0001 - Malt Extract Agar 26°C
Notes and applications
Literature Agric. Biol. Chem. 53: 2993-3001, 1989
Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 40: 56-59, 1990
Journal of General and Applied Microbiology 34: 503-506, 1988
Stud. Mycol. 81: 85–147, 2015