Naganishia vishniacii (Vishniac and Hempfling) ex Liu et al.
NCAIM Number Y.01658T
Other Collection Number JCM 9047, ATCC 44529, CBS 8100, IFO 10127
Strain Name
Strain Status Type
Strain History
Previous Name Cryptococcus vishniacii Vishniac and Baharaeen
Typestrain of Cryptococcus lupi
Isolation source dolerite gravel / Antarctica
Isolation Type soil
Restriction Hazard Group 1
Name of Medium NCAIM 0001 - Malt Extract Agar 17°C
Notes and applications

Baharaeen & Vishniac, Int.J.Syst.Bacteriol. 32: 229-232, 1982

Literature Stud. Mycol. 81: 85–147, 2015