Fusarium cerealis (Cooke) Saccardo
NCAIM Number F.00973
Other Collection Number NRRL 13721, ATTC 66007, CBS 110268, KF-748, NRRL A-28100
Strain Name KF-748
Strain Status
Strain History
Previous Name
Typestrain of
Depositor Kaposvár University - Fodor, J.
Isolation source Potato / Poland
Isolation Type plant
Restriction Hazard Group 1
Name of Medium NCAIM 0007 - Malt extract-Agar 25°C
Notes and applications

Metabolites: 4-acetylnivalenol: +; zearalenol: +; nivalenol: +; zearalenone: +

Literature Fungal Genetics and Biology 41: 600-623, 2004