Author Sakpuntoon, Varunya et al.
Publication Year 2022
Article Title Description of Crinitomyces reliqui gen. nov., sp. nov. and Reassignment of Trichosporiella flavificans and Candida ghanaensis to the Genus Crinitomyces
Journal/Book Journal of Fungi
Volume/page 8: 224
Publisher -
NCAIM Number
Crinitomyces flavificans Y.02186
Crinitomyces reliqui Y.01958 Y.02184 Y.02185

The systematic position of 16 yeast strains isolated from Thailand, Hungary, The Netherlands, and the Republic of Poland were evaluated using morphological, physiological, and phylogenetic analyses. Based on the similarity of the D1/D2 domain of the LSU rRNA gene, the strains were assigned to two distinct species, Trichosporiella flavificans and representatives of a new yeast species. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that Candida ghanaensis CBS 8798T showed a strong relationship with the aforementioned two species. The more fascinating issue is that Candida and Trichosporiella genera have been placed in different subphyla, Saccharomycotina and Pezizomycotina, respectively. The close relationship between Trichosporiella flavificans, Candida ghanaensis and the undescribed species was unexpected and needed to be clarified. As for morphological and physiological characteristics, the three yeast species shared a hairy colony appearance and an ability to assimilate 18 carbon sources. Based on phylogenetic analyses carried out in the present study, Crinitomyces gen. nov. was proposed to accommodate the new yeast species, Crinitomyces reliqui sp. nov. (Holotype: TBRC 15054, Isotypes: DMKU-FW23-23 and PYCC 9001). In addition, the two species Trichosporiella flavificans and Candida ghanaensis were reassigned to the genus Crinitomyces as, Crinitomyces flavificans (Type: CBS 760.79) comb. nov. and Crinitomyces ghanaensis (Type: CBS 8798) comb. nov., respectively.

Keywords ascomycetous yeast; Crinitomyces flavificans comb. nov.; Crinitomyces ghanaensis comb. nov.; four new taxa; Crinitomyces reliqui gen. nov.; sp. nov.